I've been really blessed them semester to have a chance to meet weekly with a dear friend and woman of God who has committed to mentor me over the course of the semester. In our time last week, I was expressing some of my feelings of inadequacy in some of the opportunities that the Lord has presented me with recently. I was just sharing how I know God has given me some great opportunities to minister to others and to grow myself, but I just feel like I may not be ready, or have the right words to say, or be able to handle the responsibility. God, am I really the best person for this?
I caught the tail end of a radio interview this afternoon, and the DJ was interviewing David Crowder. He asked how he felt about the huge opportunity he had been given in his career to stand before so many people. His response- that he felt inadequate. He went on to say that he truly believes that it is only when we are aware of our limitations that God can use us to our fullest potential. The whole upside down kingdom notion, when I am weak, he is strong. My mind jumped to 2 Corinthians 12:9- My grace is sufficient for you, my power is made perfect in weakness. This has been a real favorite verse over the past year or so, and hearing that interview and being reminded of that verse brought a real sense of peace to my heart. It is so true that it is really only in our weakness that we are fully aware of the power of God. It's also true that the Lord's grace is sufficient. I don't think I ever really grasped what genuine faith and true dependence on God looked like until there was a time in my life when I was too weak to make it on my own, and I had to rely on my faith and trust in the Lord. Because I am weak, I have gotten to see the Lord's power in my life. I have gotten to see how faithful He is, how He provides for us, how His love is never ending. And now, the Lord is choosing to use me, in spite of my weakness, to make his power known. I hope that I am always able to see my own weakness, so that I may truly know his power.
God is going to shine through you, sweet Kara! He already is! : ) What you write is so true... If you thought you were the best and perfect for the opportunities, you probably wouldn't rely on God nearly as much... thus not allowing Him to use you! Love you so much, and I'm so glad that I realized you had a blog! I hope I get to see you again before I leave Monday morning.